More Hotfixing

Saw there was still more outstanding items, but this should have cleaned up the rest of them I hope. Sorry! Text blends into text in a wall of 40k+ words, and I things I thought I fixed partially got left behind in my iterative fixing. Whoopsie! My bad. Mea culpa, etc etc.

If you've already read it, there's not much changes. Those would come from what the game page says, which is to say verbatim: there are dead choices. Those would be alternative sex scenes using a variant of the kinks/action--the plot would remain largely the same, but you'd see another version of the fun. Otherwise, this remains basically a kinetic work.

I'm going to be as shameless as those twitter artists you're at least peripherally aware of--you want me to write more for those dead choices?  Rate my game. Rate it to at least 100 ratings. I can always come up with more stretch goals if this works as a mechanism, like thinking about getting some art :p

And if you haven't read it yet, I'm not sure why you're peeping this devlog for fixes but welp, you saw the rating plea here.

Thanks again for everyone reading and viewing so far!


The Lusty Royal Play in browser
42 days ago

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