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I forgot to do this weeks ago but here is the Superlative Voting Form for anyone that is interested:

Superlative Voting ends when the Jam Voting Ends.


This was a very odd read where I think I don't know what the true ending represents, but I kept feeling I was on this voyage of going from understanding to not understanding. And this theme of going back and forth between many different themes persisted where i thought this novel was brilliant to stupid to brilliant again, captivating to boring to captivating again, it's just such an ebb and flow of feelings that I dont think I can fully explore. I think the main takeaways happened on the small moments of the journey, so I'll hold onto those when I'm lost to the whole. If this was the intended purpose, very good job for leaving me feeling confused and profound.


Light spoilers.

This was a chilling experience. Going from the lack of choice to seemingly infinite choice gave me some very powerful emotions. The story was simple, but I loved Didi's slow descent as she searched for Gogo. I very much enjoyed the piece and it's easily in the runnings for the best horror novel in the jam.

As for suggestions for improvement, I think the permutations started to blend together, with the same concept being played out over and over again, even when the content was "new." I'm sure that was part of the vision, but I admit I did start getting frustrated and it hampered my overall enjoyment of the project. But overall, the strengths of the novel far outweigh the frustrations.

Thanks for the fun read!


Haunting and beautiful.